Server management for success


  • Speed increases search rankings.
  • Security maintains trust.
  • Supports all cloud providers.
  • Monitoring dashboards.

Web agencies need great hosting for their clients.

Whether you're an all-in-one agency or you specialize, ensuring your clients have fast, secure hosting is critical. If a site is slow, visitors bounce and search rankings drop. If a site is compromised, trust and personal data may be lost.

ServerPilot was written for secure, optimized web hosting on cloud servers. When you combine the world's most advanced control panel with a trusted cloud provider such as DigitalOcean, Google Cloud Platform, or Amazon Web Services, you provide truly professional hosting to your clients.


  • One-click WordPress.
  • Let's Encrypt SSL.
  • Multiple apps on each server.

You build great sites. Now add great hosting.

ServerPilot puts you in control. You choose your cloud provider and you keep root access. Create new WordPress sites instantly with our one-click installer or run your latest Laravel app. ServerPilot takes care of server configuration and updates. Our support staff is here for you if you ever need them.

Hosting many sites on the same server is painless. SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt are deployed and renewed automatically for all of your sites. And ServerPilot configures each site to be isolated so if one site ever got compromised, it can't access other sites on the same server.

Site Owners

  • Easily host on cloud servers.
  • Speed and security.
  • Free SSL for all sites.

Your business depends on speed, security, and uptime.

ServerPilot allows you or your developer to easily host your website on its own cloud server. Your server is configured for speed and security and is kept patched against vulnerabilities. Your website is secured with a free SSL certificate that is automatically renewed.

Adding new websites to your server is as easy as logging into ServerPilot and clicking a button. And our expert support team is available if you need them.


  • Advanced metrics.
  • Fast, secure, and reliable.
  • Saves you time so you can focus on your product.

Hosting should be the least of your worries.

We know what you're going through since we're a SaaS company, too. The investment and sacrifice can't be measured in dollars or hours. Launching is hard. Getting your first customers is hard. Growing your team is hard. Your hosting should be painless.

We built ServerPilot to make secure, fast, reliable hosting on cloud servers a solved problem. We give you an advantage by freeing you to focus time and resources on real business problems. We help you succeed.


  • Simplifies cloud hosting.
  • Fast and secure.
  • Low support load.

Hosting industry growth is in managed cloud servers.

ServerPilot gives you the ideal platform for building your cloud hosting business. With an architecture and pricing model designed for cloud servers, ServerPilot allows you to leave behind the insecurity, slowness, high support load, complexity, upgrade breakage, and poor user experience of legacy control panels.

You can integrate ServerPilot into your existing hosting automation software using ServerPilot's developer-friendly JSON API.

Launch your first site in 5 minutes