PHP hosting made beautiful

ServerPilot makes it safe and easy for anyone to host PHP sites on any cloud server using the latest versions of PHP.

1. Create a server

Create a server at DigitalOcean

2. Connect to ServerPilot

Connect your server to ServerPilot

3. Host Your PHP site

Host a PHP website

Works with any server provider

Advanced PHP hosting for everyone

The world has moved on from shared hosting. For reasons ranging from performance to security, PHP developers everywhere are moving to their own cloud servers. Those developers are choosing ServerPilot to make cloud server management painless and give them blazingly fast PHP hosting.

The modern way to host PHP

PHP Versions

PHP-FPM with PHP 8.4, 8.3, 8.2, 8.1, 8.0, and 7.4 (7.3 and 7.2 available on request)

FastCGI using PHP-FPM

Easily switch between PHP versions

Multiple PHP versions on a single server

Early access to future PHP versions

Maximum Security

Built by security researchers

Firewall configured by default

Automatic server security updates

Fast updates of each new PHP release

One-click SSL with HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 support

Peace of Mind

Server health monitoring

PHP performance statistics

Built-in log viewer

Extensive documentation

Support staff are expert sysadmins

Automated, Free SSL

The most reliable Let's Encrypt integration anywhere. SSL that just works.

One-Click WordPress

Our one-click WordPress installer creates your new sites in seconds.

Reliability for your business

SaaS booking company Resurva switched to ServerPilot in 2013 for speed, security, and uptime. Their developers continue to trust ServerPilot today.

Switching to ServerPilot gave us a 10x speedup. Our developers love it.

Launch your first site in 5 minutes