Your solution for
cloud server management

Application Stack

Host WordPress and PHP apps with server configurations optimized for speed, security, and reliability.


HTTP/2 multiplexes requests from web browsers so pages load faster.


With Nginx as your public-facing web server, your sites get the speed, scalability, and security of Nginx.

✓ Nginx 1.23+

✓ Asynchronous request handling

✓ Slowloris protection


Nginx proxies requests to a local instance of Apache so WordPress and PHP sites can use Apache's per-site configurability with exposing Apache publicly.

✓ Apache 2.4

✓ .htacess files

✓ mod_rewrite

Any PHP Version

Use multiple PHP versions on the same server. New PHP versions available as soon as they are released.

✓ PHP 8.3, 8.2, 8.1, 8.0, and 7.4

✓ PHP 5.6 - 7.3 available on request


PHP-FPM optimizes your server's resource usage by scaling PHP processes based on request load.


The world's most popular open source database gives you proven performance and reliability.

✓ MySQL 8.0

✓ MySQL 5.7 available on Ubuntu 18.04


ServerPilot's built-in support for IPv6 requires no configuration by you.


Your servers run on Ubuntu LTS, the world's most popular enterprise Linux distribution. Ubuntu is supported by every server provider.

✓ Ubuntu LTS (Long Term Support)


Integrated metrics dashboards with practical charts, not just pretty data.

Beyond Averages

Truth can hide behind averages. While averages are useful, charts showing maximum values allow you to identify spikes and resource limitations.

Server Dashboards

Understand your server's health with charts including total and per-core CPU usage, effective memory usage, processes killed due to memory exhaustion, disk usage, inode usage, network traffic, and more.

App Dashboards

In addition to per-app request and error rates for PHP, Nginx, Apache, metrics include per-app PHP process counts, PHP memory usage, and PHP slow request rates.

MySQL Dashboards

Get insight into MySQL behavior and cache usage with charts showing query rates, slow query rates, connections, buffer pool usage, open table cache usage, and more.

Log Viewer

Easily view server and application log files without SSH'ing into servers.

Control Panel

Manage servers from any server provider through one beautifully simple interface.

Fast Install

It takes less than two minutes for ServerPilot to configure a new server. Just sit back and watch as everything is taken care of for you.

Instant Changes

Whether you're creating a new site or enabling free SSL, every change you make in ServerPilot happens immediately on your server.

One-Click Wordpress

Creating new WordPress sites has never been easier.

Grows With You

Pay only for what you use. Pricing that works for developers, agencies, and hosts.


If you're building your own hosting platform, ServerPilot gives you full control with a modern API.

Easy to Use

We've made professional hosting on cloud servers easy for everyone.


Built by security experts so you don't need to be one.

Secure By Design

With the most advanced security architecture of any control panel, we've defined the new hosting industry standard.

✓ Minimal attack surface

✓ Code signing

✓ Offline key storage

Best Practices

Our security practices exist to protect both our internal systems and your servers.

✓ Access control

✓ Secure VPNs

✓ Argon2id password hashing

Automated Updates

ServerPilot keeps your server's software up to date so you always have the latest security patches.


From the moment you connect your server, malicious traffic to private services is blocked by an iptables firewall we configure on your server.

No Open Ports

Your server opens connections to ServerPilot. ServerPilot does not open connections to your server.

✓ No attack surface exposed

✓ Works with any inbound firewall rules

Unprivileged PHP

Your PHP processes run as an unprivileged system user, keeping your websites isolated from the rest of your services.

App Isolation

Separate system users and filesystem access control lists prevent any insecure WordPress plugins from affecting other sites on the same server.


We configure secure SFTP on your servers so you don't have to use insecure FTP.


Free SSL certificates are automatically deployed and updated for your sites. And ServerPilot always uses SSL, including when communicating with your servers.

✓ Let's Encrypt

✓ TLS 1.3

✓ Downgrade protection

✓ Handshake encryption


Truly great support if you need it, but you probably won't need it.

Ops Engineers

ServerPilot's technical support is done by our own U.S.-based operations engineers.

✓ Support by infrastructure experts

Searchable Docs

Find the information you need among hundreds of clear, useful articles.


ServerPilot's design and over a decade of refinement results in the industry's lowest support rate.

✓ You have fewer issues

✓ We have time to provide great support

Launch your first site in 5 minutes